Went tracking today as the weather was cool and nice. The heavy afternoon showers had taken a break. Decided to bring my Canon IXUS 500 to take some photographs of a very beautiful Top Secret Spot.
Fish species that reside in this pond include the Red Tilapias, Two-Spotted Gouramis, wild Fighting Fish, Haruans, wild guppies and many more species I have spotted but have yet to identify.
On the way out from the secluded area, I met a fellow fly fisherman. He was carrying something very heavy in a canvas bag. Told me it was his newly acquired inflatable kayak. He invited me to take a look as he intend to fly fish on the kayak in the Top Secret Pond. Looked very exciting, and as usual I went back into the trail again and tracked back to the Top Secret Spot.
Watched him set up the kayak in less than 10 minutes.
Then watched him paddle off and cast his fly line and fly fish.
Again super duper cool…………………….
Decided to go get my own dose of fly fishing before I got the kayak fly fishing poison deep into my veins and arteries. Went to Mandai and caught a few Zebra Tilapias. When I was sure I wouldn’t go and order a kayak for myself, I safely made my way home for dinner.

On the way out from the secluded area, I met a fellow fly fisherman. He was carrying something very heavy in a canvas bag. Told me it was his newly acquired inflatable kayak. He invited me to take a look as he intend to fly fish on the kayak in the Top Secret Pond. Looked very exciting, and as usual I went back into the trail again and tracked back to the Top Secret Spot.
Watched him set up the kayak in less than 10 minutes.
Then watched him paddle off and cast his fly line and fly fish.
Again super duper cool…………………….
Decided to go get my own dose of fly fishing before I got the kayak fly fishing poison deep into my veins and arteries. Went to Mandai and caught a few Zebra Tilapias. When I was sure I wouldn’t go and order a kayak for myself, I safely made my way home for dinner.

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