Caught up with Uncle Wong and Adi today before dawn at the river again. Chee Yung couldn't get a leave pass from his commander-in-chief. Anyway, it was his self imposed punishment for his coming sin, which will be arriving in the form of a Leonard Maxwell bamboo. Hope I can fish with these wonderful fellows fortnightly. We were joined by Tan Yik just before the sun broke through the tree tops. The valve technician has done his job and the water was flowing at full force.
As usually, the peacock basses started feeding just when the first light decent upon us. Fast and ferocious as they had been before when the the river flowed. Caught a few with my McDowell paired with a Hardy Bougle reel. Uncle Wong and Adi caught more than their share as usual. But it was Tan Yik’s fishes which were creating the din when most of the bigger peacock basses choosed to take his fly.
Then came along 3 live baiters. They started fishing and in a few minutes, the caught a good size sebarau. Didn’t really see if they put it in their bag or let it go. But I did see one of them unhooking the sebbie near the water. Hope they did let the sebbie free. I gave them 3 flies after they watched in amazement when I caught 2 good size peacock basses in succession. Put some poison into their blood and hope they can put away their goldfish and use the flies I gave them to catch the peacock basses. Maybe one day, I’ll see them with a fly rod at the NZ River.
The McDowell.
As usually, the peacock basses started feeding just when the first light decent upon us. Fast and ferocious as they had been before when the the river flowed. Caught a few with my McDowell paired with a Hardy Bougle reel. Uncle Wong and Adi caught more than their share as usual. But it was Tan Yik’s fishes which were creating the din when most of the bigger peacock basses choosed to take his fly.
Then came along 3 live baiters. They started fishing and in a few minutes, the caught a good size sebarau. Didn’t really see if they put it in their bag or let it go. But I did see one of them unhooking the sebbie near the water. Hope they did let the sebbie free. I gave them 3 flies after they watched in amazement when I caught 2 good size peacock basses in succession. Put some poison into their blood and hope they can put away their goldfish and use the flies I gave them to catch the peacock basses. Maybe one day, I’ll see them with a fly rod at the NZ River.
The McDowell.
Thank you for posting your fishing adventures! Most enjoyable to read about fly fisihng pursuits half way around the world. The fish, language, and enviroment may look a bit different, but your writings remind me a small town in the Catskills that I grew up Flyfishing.
Thanks dejon.
You too have a fantastic blog which I visited often.
Link done.
Thanks alot! I hope you can contribute your pictures and stories in my blog too...thanks.
Kaki Joran
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a Fishing site.
Come and check it out if you get time ;)
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