Uncle Wong was the only guy who caught a Peacock Bass this morning. The rest of us - CY, Ady and me – all got a big fat dinosaur egg as souvenir for our morning exercise. We really disappoint the valve technician who must had woken up rather early to open those valves. The water was at full force. Maybe next time we’ll have better luck. Especially when my LeoRod will be ready and I am going to de-flower it at the River.
Garrison 209 taper, 7 feet 6 inches with purple wrap. Tiger maple reel seat. Nickel silver ferrules. With the Uncle Wong's LeoRod Number 3 Signature Wrap. CY and I helped Uncle Wong with the vanish tube. Take a look at the pictures.

Garrison 209 taper, 7 feet 6 inches with purple wrap. Tiger maple reel seat. Nickel silver ferrules. With the Uncle Wong's LeoRod Number 3 Signature Wrap. CY and I helped Uncle Wong with the vanish tube. Take a look at the pictures.

My LeoRod - Garrison 209 Taper.
The Birth Of The Singapore LeoRod Number One

The LeoRod Is Born.

As usual, Uncle Wong got the first first.

And it turned out that, it was the only fish caught this morning.

CY couldn't bear to part with my AJ Thramer, while Ady was giving him that "ranger lai liow" look "time to go" .

One more shot before I went for our morning coffee.

The noodle stall.

My LeoRod with beautiful purple wraps.

Garrison 209 taper.

Uncle Wong's signature wrap with 3 wraps for rod number 3.

Tiger maple wood for reel seat. Nickle silver cap and ring.

Red agate stripping guide.

Nicle silver ferrules.

PH's LeoRod. Number 2 of 2007.

CY trying to make an offer even before the rod was vanished. Muahahaha......

Uncle Wong thinking of how to squeeze in the signature wraps when he reach rod number 125.

The dust free drying cabinet.

Mixing marine spar vanish.

Drain vavle for the vanish tube.

Rubber gasket keep the air out of the vanishing tube.

Motor and pulley for the dipping.

Pulley and guides.

These pictures were taken way back on 11th June 2006, when Uncle Wong still had some hair on his head. I was sworn to secrecy with and clever and a flame thrower to keep these pictures away from my blog until the project was completed. I was a man in intregrity and refused to be threatened. But I was corrupted and was finally bribed with a LeoRod. So these pictures remained in my computer until today, courtesy of Ady's request and Uncle Wong's permission and the near delivery of my bribe getting delivered, I proudly present the Splitting of the First Bamboo Fly Rod in Singapore. The Birth of the LeoRod Number 1. Enjoy the photoes.

Uncle Wong lay the clever on the bamboo with his left hand while the midwife(CY) held on steadfastly. With a swing of the mallet in his right hand, the clever split the bamboo and the First Singapore Built Split Bamboo Rod, "The LeoRod" was born.
I was lucky to witness and capture History being made on this day, 11th June 2006.

Kuan's split bamboo was also born on this day.

Uncle Wong marking the spiral arrangements for the nodes.

You guys thought I was joking when I said I was threantened, here is the proof, I nearly got slaughtered okay.

And then nearly died when Uncle Wong fry me with this.
But when he bribed me with a LeoRod, I had to keep the pictures away until today.
Man of integrity right?
I kept my promise............muahahahahaha.

1 comment:
Looks like you have one nasty fly rod we all wish we had. Hope you enjoy it and catch many a peacock bass with it. Lets Catch Reel Big Fish
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